Literature and Reception: Anna Gavalda, a Publishing Phenomenon


Literature and Reception: Anna Gavalda, a Publishing Phenomenon

Littérature et réception: Anna Gavalda, un phénomène d’édition

Literatură şi receptare: Anna Gavalda, un fenomen editorial

Diana Presadă

Université Pétrole et Gaz de Ploieşti

Département de Philologie

Bd. Bucureşti nr. 39, Ploieşti, România

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As a phenomenon of audience reception, Anna Gavalda’s literary work may constitute the subject of an analysis of the readertext relationship. In such a context, the theoretical concepts of author and reader do not refer to empirical subjects, but to specific narrative strategies whose cooperation ensures the effectiveness of their communication and, therefore, the success in the reading process itself. Taking as an example one of his novels, Someone I loved (“Je l’aimais”), we intend to highlight the textual features that orientate the act of reading and lead to the great popularity of the novel. In other words, the article aims to reveal the procedures by which the writer manages to achieve the agreement between the readers’ horizon of expectations and the fictional world of the narrative.


En tant que phénomène de réception, l’œuvre littéraire d’Anna Gavalda peut constituer l’objet d’une analyse de la relation entre l’auteur et le lecteur, des notions qui ne désignent pas de sujets empiriques, mais des stratégies propres au récit dont la coopération assure le succès de l’enjeu communicatif entre les deux instances et, par conséquent, de la lecture du texte. En prenant comme exemple l’un de ses romans, « Je l’aimais », nous voulons relever les particularités textuelles qui orientent l’acte de lecture et mènent à la grande popularité du roman, c’est-à-dire les procédures par lesquelles le scripteur accomplit l’accord entre le monde possible du récit et l’horizon d’attente des récepteurs.


Fiind un fenomen editorial, creaţia literară a Annei Gavalda poate constitui obiectul unei analize a relaţiei dintre autor şi receptor prin prisma teoriilor receptării. Cele două noţiuni nu desemnează subiectele empirice, reale, ci strategiile textuale din a căror cooperare rezultă un joc comunicativ ce asigură succesul lecturii textului. Luând ca exemplu unul dintre romanele sale, „Je l’aimais”, analiza noastră îşi propune să releve particularităţile textuale care orientează actul lecturii şi conduc la popularitatea imensă a scriitoarei. Cu alte cuvinte, este vorba despre procedeele prin care scriptorul realizează acordul dintre lumea posibilă a povestirii şi orizontul de aşteptare al receptorilor.

Keywords: reception, novel, strategies, horizon of expectations

Mots-clés : réception, roman, stratégies, horizon d’attente

Cuvinte cheie : receptare, roman, strategii, orizont de aşteptare


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