Liga Culturală pentru Unitatea Românilor de Pretutindeni
Str. Pictor Ion Negulici, nr. 19, sector 1, of. P. 63, Bucuresti
Alongside the 22 million Romanians in the country, beyond the borders of Romania live 13
more million people. During the past half of the millennium, about one million Romanians
contributed to the civilization and inwardness of the human kind. We are mentioning just a few of
the important names in our national history: Stefan cel Mare si Sfant, Mihai Viteazul, Nicolae
Olahus, Dimitrie Cantemir, Nicolae Milescu, Constantin Brancoveanu, Al. I. Cuza, Carol I,
Ferdinand I, to whom we can add numerous other personalities with remarkable achievements in
the fields of aviation, medicine, speleology, mathematics, culture, art, sports, etc: D. Bolintineanu
si C. Bolliac, Costache Negruzzi si V. Alecsandri, N. Bălcescu si Alecu Russo, Al. Odobescu,
N.Filimon Panait Istrati, M. Eminescu, I. L. Caragiale, I. Creangă, Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu,
Henri Coandă, Gheorghe Marinescu, Victor Babes, Emil RacoviŃă, Nicolae Paulescu, Eugen
Ionescu, Mircea Eliade, Aron Cotrus Vintilă Horia, C. V Gheorghiu, N. I. Herescu, Horia Stamatu,
Al. Ciorănescu, Stefan Baciu, Lucian Boz, Constantin Brăiloiu, Nicolae Titulescu, Sergiu
Celibidache, Eugen Coseriu, Horia Damian, Neagu Djuvara, I.C. Drăgan, Eugen DrăguŃescu,
Lucky Galaction, Al. Gregorian, Claudiu Isopescu, Petru Iroaie, Dinu Lipatti, Paul Miron,
Alexandrina Mititelu, Jean Moscopol, George Emil Palade, C. Papanace, Ionel Perlea, Sever Pop,
Mircea Popescu, Stelian Popescu, Ion RaŃiu, Anghel Rugină, Pius Servien, Pamfil Seicaru, Nicolae
łimiras, Remus łincoca, George Uscătescu, Maria Ventura, Octavian Vuia, Virginia Zeani,
Nicolae Herlea, Gheorghe Zamfir, Gheorghe Apostu, Ioana Ungureanu, George Palade, Grigore
Arbore, Emil Loteanu, Eugen Doja, Andrei Sorel.
No matter where they find themselves in the world, all those mentioned before and many
other hundred thousands names are forming, along with the ones creating „at home”, one unique
spirituality, promoting the Romanian culture in the world.
Key words
: unity, spirituality, Romanians everywhere, Eminescu, Brancusi, Enescu, Europe.
Cuvinte cheie:
unitate, spiritualitate, romanitate, Eminescu, Brancusi, Enescu, Europa.