Gheorghe MOCUTA
Uniunea Scriitorilor din România, Filiala Arad
Adresa: B-d RevoluŃiei nr. 103, cod. 310122, Arad Romania,
Tel./.Fax 40/237/281706 e-mail: arca@rdslink.ro
The relationship that B.P. Hasdeu had with the „Junimea” society and a few of its
representatives (Titu Maiorescu, Iacob Negruzzi, Gh. Panu, P.P. Carp and others) were polemic
and changeble. Hasdeu was a restless, frethful and undesirable mind, with a nationalist conviction,
who showed hostility and lack of understanding towards the growing society that was against the
„asoptist” tradition. This study underlines some challanging episodes from the writer’s relation
with the new Diretion representatives of the romanian culture from the VII and VIII decades of the
19th century.
Cuvinte cheie
personalitate, spirit enciclopedic, junimea romanească