Cezar Corneliu MANDA
Şcoala Naţională de Studii Politice şi Administrative,
Facultatea de Administraţie Publică, Bucureşti, cezar@clr.ro
Obtaining better results in the economic and social domain is dependent to a large extent on the quality of public administration. The changes taken place in the social and economic environment of Romania, after becoming European Union Member State, require a real improvement of the organization and functioning of the administration, according to the European Union commands. The “jump” solution into a new stage of the Romanian public administration, its “Europenisation”, consists on reconsidering the policies of the formation and improvement of the human resources in the public administration. Thus, increasing the quality of these resources is a sine qua non condition of accelerating the public administration reform process.
Keywords: Human resources policy, development, public administration, administrative reform, europenisation
Cuvinte cheie: politică resurse umane, perfecţionare, administraţie publică, reformă administrativă, europenizare