Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” din Arad
Facultatea de Stiinte Umaniste, Politice si Administrative
Adresă: Arad, st. Unirii, Nr.3, tel/fax 0257/282324, 0257250599; E-mail:
Without the pretence of exhausting this subject, this work aims at being a summary of the
main co-ordinate on which Benjamin Fundoianu’s journalistic activity evolved. Even though
certain directions of his prolific activity determined various attempts at interpretation there are
enough aspects left unexplored, now being discussed and offering, without a doubt, a solid ground
for expert research.
Having in view the complexity of this scholar’s cultural involvement, the material that has
been dedicated to him so far is quite incomprehensive. The great number of directions in which
Fundoianu exercised his writing made synthesis an extremely difficult task, a productive research
method in this respect being the one structured on delimited areas, the vastness of the domains of
his essays, articles, poetry or philosophy representing distinct fields of analysis and interpretation.
The articles written by Benjamin Fundoianu are focused on a multitude of subjects: French
writers, most of which are presented for the first time in Romanian, the political or social situation
in Romania, educational issues, the Law, sport and its challenges etc. One has in view the aspects
tackled in articles spread over the publications of that period, but also those in certain innovative
page, or in those concerning the relation between Judaism and Hellenism. These articles are proof
of Fundoianu’s intellectual formation. At the same time, one must not ignore the critical values of
these articles, Benjamin Fundoianu being, undoubtedly, a refined and well-read critic.
Cuvinte cheie :
publicistică, articole, critică, cercetare, iudaism