Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie „Carol Davila”,
B-dul Eroilor Sanitari, nr. 8, Bucureşti
Catedra de Limbi moderne
E-mail : mirel.anghel@yahoo.com
In 1937, the philosopher Emil Cioran leaves Romania, the country in which he was born. He goes to France where he settles and in whose language we will write most of his books. The book Schimbarea la faţă a României (The Transfiguration of Romania), published in 1936, is a radiography of the Romanian nation, of its cultural and historical insignificance throughout history. The book is an exposition of the author’s social, political, and cultural beliefs. In the centre of the book is the concept of history, Romania being absent from it as a nation because of its ethnic limitation.
Key words : Cioran, Transfiguration of Romania, history
Cuvinte cheie : Cioran, Schimbarea la faţă a României, istorie