Vasile MAN
Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” din Arad
Adresă: B-ul Revolutiei, nr. 94-96,
Tel. 0742/039978, e-mail:
The present edition “The evaluation of the activity of scientific research” signed by A.
Ardelean, E.M. Dobrescu, A. Pisoschi, as Acad. Ionel Haiduc, president of the Romanian Academy
talks about it in the foreword is a necessary and helpful work, because it is a tool for researchers
showing considerations about the subject of evaluations and about research managers- those who
practise the evaluations. It also gives valuable information about the means of evaluation, about the
experience of the different countries and active institutions in this field as well as about the attempts
done in our country. Up to the present moment it hasn’t been published up to now in Romanian a
work who concentrates such an amount of information on this subject.
Cuvinte cheie:
cercetare, manageri, evaluare, tratate stiinŃifice, performante