Universitatea din Craiova
Facultatea de Litere, str. Al. I. Cuza, nr. 13
E-mail: parpala_afana@yahoo.com
Rimona AFANA
University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
E-mail: rimona.afana@yahoo.com
The Unfaitful Diary by Bujor Nedelcovici operates a conjunction between exile and imagological reflexion on “the nature” of Romanians, based on ethical, cultural and civic data.
The liminal position of the exilee permit him to solve the contradiction between stereotypes and ethno-images and between auto- and hetero-images. The quality of his observations depends on his affiliation: Nedelcovici is a Romanian Jewish writer in Paris; if his Romanian identity is assumed, the Jewish origins remains ambiguous.
In search for revealing the inner forms of collective portrait, the author uses three levels of analyses: archetypal, typological and psycho-cultural. He pays a special attention to the “diseases” of Romanian society, to the ambivalence and to the dynamics of ethno-images.
Key words: otherness, ethno images, exile, identity, stereotipe.
Cuvinte cheie: alteritate, etnoimagini, exil, identitate, stereotip.