Grupul Şcolar “Iuliu Maniu”, Arad
The works entitled „Carte, vouă, fiilor satului” (published in Arad, 2006) by Florica R and Candea and Carol F, „Macea, alean şi dor” (published in Arad, 2007) by CF, EF and FRC as well as „Rapsozi şi rapsodii măcene” (published in Arad, 2009), by CF, EF and FRC, reconstruct world that surprises through its up to datedness and captures elements of the present day rural reality, with the hope of a perpetual temporal projection. Behind the words used by the authors, unfolds a real life universe of a folkloric environment in which rituals and customs could blossom and develop.
Key words: Folklore, traditions, customs, village, folk terms.
Cuvinte cheie: folclor, tradiţii, obiceiuri, sat, termeni populari