Viorica BANCIU, Virgilia Markert JIREGHIE
Universitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldiş” din Arad
The conceptual arena of the twentieth-century consists of a mixture of ideas coming from the interpenetration of science, social theory, aesthetics and philosophy. Modernity is an elastic notion and most importantly, it relates metaphysical speculations as to whether nature favors form and fixity on the one hand and flux on the other.
Globalisation understood in an expansive fashion, is in many ways a rhetorical effect, as was international rationalization before it. We should take into consideration whether proposals for a new world order premised on a belief in universal rationality and harmony have lost their aura of scientific glamour and moral force.
The contemporary crises are the result of escalating arms race, crime, drugs, terrorism, environmental deterioration, social and economic decline, the depletion of the earth’s resources, population explosion, urban violence, intolerance.
Key words: modernity,golbalisation,metaphor,reality,positivism
Cuvinte cheie: modernitate, globalizare, metaforă, realitate şi pozitivism