Universitatea Suceava
Nicu Steinhardt (1912-1989) is one of the most energetic and persistent senders and receivers of letters to and from Romanian Diaspora, during the seventh, the eighth, and the ninth decades. He is well known for a permanent and vital need of communication. Having the experience of political incarceration, he perseveres in not submitting to communist ideology and goals. He fortifies his roots in Romanian spirituality and he undertakes the mission to resuscitate and nourish the roots of those who were forced to leave their native culture. The core of his epistles breathes an evident nostalgia for the third decade, when Romania lived, undoubtedly, the enthusiasm of political, cultural and economic freedom.
Key words: Steinhardt, Romanian Diaspora, letters, culture
Cuvinte-cheie: Steinhardt, diaspora românească, scrisori, cultură