Nicolae IUGA
Facultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Politice şi Administrative
Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” Arad
Our essay focused over the 70 when the Romanian Novel has witnessed several notable successes, throuhg the writings of Marin Preda, Alexandru Ivasiuc, Augustin Buzura, Nicolae Breban, Eugen Barbu. We tried to present in a hegelian – like sketch the phenomenology of novel characters as a mode of ethical actions, reportted to the contemporary social environment. Bibliographical references focus mainly in reviews on the respective novels, printed in the literary magazines of the time.
Key words: literature, novel, ethics, fiction, phenomenology, subjectivity.
Cuvinte cheie: literatură, roman, etică, ficţiune, fenomenologie, subiectivitate.