Prof. univ. dr. Mihaela ALBU
Universitatea din Craiova
Dan ANGHELESCU– scriitor, membru USR
Director revista internaţională Carmina Balcanica
Redactor revista Gracious Light, New York
Living in exile, the majority of the Romanian intellectuals tried to continue abroad their cultural activities. Some of them wrote or published books, others managed to edit newspapers or magazines. The literary magazines became a real method of continuation, maintaining the great culture started in our country between the two world wars, contributing also to preserve the nature of the Romanian identity.
Unfortunately, today in Romania, this important activity of our exile is still unknown.
This article emphasizes the importance of the Romanian literary press established in exile and focuses on the first literary magazine, Luceafărul, founded in 1948 by Mircea Eliade and Virgil Ierunca.
Key words: exile, spiritual typology of the Romanian exile, literary press, the preservation of cultural identity, the first literary magazine – Luceafărul.
Cuvinte-cheie: exil, tipologia spirituală a exilului românesc, presa literară, menţinerea identităţii culturale, prima revistă literară – Luceafărul.