(secolul XIX – începutul secolului XX)
Stelean BOIA
Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” din Arad
Facultatea de StiinŃe Umaniste Politice si Administrative
Adresă: Arad, st. Unirii, Nr.3, tel/fax 0257/282324, 0257250599; E-mail:
The present study presents, with all the necessary data, the list of the students and
intellectuals from the Arad County who studied and got their cultural formation in the higher
education institutions across Europe in the second half of the 19
the 20
historiography, but most particularly on the information got from the Romanian and foreign
archives. The author of this study uses not only a statistic (quantitative) analysis but also a
sociologic analysis which highlights the particularities of the complex process of formation of
Romanian elites in the Arad County in the modern period. Between 1867 – 1918 a number of 280
students coming from the county of Arad have attended the universities from Europe.The benefited
from 88 scholarships most of them belonging to “Emanuel Gozsdu” Foundation(75).Many students
have attended courses at the Faculty of Law (218), of Medicine and Pharmacy(57) and of Poli-
Technical Sciences(31), 93 graduate students have been granted the title of Ph. science.
th century and at the beginning ofth century. This study is based on the achievements of both Romanian and foreign
Cuvinte cheie
: university, faculty, elite, foundation, student, intellectual, study, scholarship