Gilles Bardy: o contribuţie la cunoaşterea contactelor românofranceze din secolul XIX
Gilles Bardy: A Contribution to a Better Understanding of the Romanian-French Contacts in the 19th c
Oana Aurelia GENCĂRĂU
Universitatea din Oradea
In a few pages we will try to reveal a special way of presenting the contact between two cultures, the French culture and the Romanian culture, i.e. the biographic reference used as a pretext to evoke a century of European culture with its diverse connections. As we are limited by the space, we will stop only at the elements dedicated to Antoine-Louis de Grammont and we argue that this book is much more than a biographic recovery of a personality, but rather the work of a profound analyst, a passionate expert in Romanian culture.
Key words: Antoine-Louis de Grammont, Romanian-French Contacts, Romanian culture