Adrian Marino and the intellectual travel journal as an expression of revolutionary freedom

Adrian Marino and the intellectual travel journal as an expression of revolutionary freedom

Adrian Marino şi jurnalul intelectual de călătorie ca expresie a libertăţii revoluţionare



Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca


Seen as a logical continuation of the author’s preoccupations for comparative literature, the travel journal becomes a journal of ideas in Adrian Marino’s case, by trying not only to explain the formation of a certain type of personality, but also to transcribe/redact a chronicle of social and political history. Adrian Marino’s journal of ideas firstly emphasizes an „individual” reality, but also bears deeper „universal” signification, as it militates for humanism and liberal democracy, for actual convergence of world cultures. The present study (Adrian Marino and the intellectual travel journal as an expression of revolutionary freedom) proposes an investigation attempting to prove that Adrian Marino eventually suggests a personal dialogue with the world and especially with Europe, audaciously trying to concur at substantiating a modern Romanian conscience.

Keywords: freedom, travel journal, journal of ideas, antiliterature

Cuvinte cheie: libertatea, jurnal de călătorie, jurnal de idei, antiliteratură


Omul liber, modern, este omul ideilor în deplasare.

Adrian Marino, Carnete europene

Mă simt român şi, în acelaşi timp, european.

Adrian Marino, Prezenţe româneşti şi realităţi europene


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