Bunele practici – vector de dezvoltare a administraţiei publice româneşti
Good practices – development vector of the Romanian public administration
Cristina Elena NICOLESCU, Dana Mihaela MURGESCU
Școala Națională de Studii Politice și Administrative
Facultatea de Administrație Publică
Str. Povernei, nr. 6, sector 1, București
E-mail: cnicolescu@snspa.ro
E-mail: dana.murgescu@snspa.ro
Although there is no consensus with respect to a unitary definition of what good practices mean, the concept includes elements there have been experimented and which are considered indispensable for obtaining good results within pilot-projects.
The paper aims to underline the existence of a systematization process and the use of good practiced transferred from the European Union level to the system of public administration in Romania, necessary for the efficient implementation of reform in this system, for two governance periods, 2005-2008, respectively 2009-2012, thus being able to state that, indeed, the exchange of good practices constitutes a vector of development and modernization of the Romanian public administration.
Key Words: good practices, administrative reform, transfer, governance measures, impact
Cuvinte cheie: bune practici, reformă administrativă, transfer, măsuri de guvernare, impact