Imagini şi câmpuri simbolice în discursul teatral al Evului Mediu

Imagini şi câmpuri simbolice în discursul teatral al Evului Mediu

Images and Symbolic Fields in the Theatrical Discourse in the Middle Ages

Oana Aurelia GENCĂRĂU

Universitatea din Oradea



The representation of the sacred concepts and the symbolic thought system dominate all the life of the Middle Ages. They need to exteriorize the thought and to reformulate it in images. Cosmic and collective, the Middle Ages has an extraordinary tendency to generalization and abstraction. An image, a scene, a narrow history are generalized and extended to dimensions of the entire universe. In this article we try to see how symbolic thought and specific symbols in the Middle Ages are actualized in the language of the theatre.


Key words: symbol, symbolic thought, symbolic vocabulary, language, theatrical discourse, Middle Ages

Cuvinte cheie: simbolic, gândire simbolică, vocabular simbolic, limbaj, discurs teatral, Evul Mediu

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