Paul Everac – Ce rămâne dintr-un întreg –
lamentatii apostazice – Editura SemnE, Bucuresti, 2007
Vasile MAN
Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldis” din Arad
Adresă: B-ul Revolutiei, nr. 94-96,
Tel. 0742/039978, e-mail:
The writer Paul Everac is one of the biggest Romanian contemporary playwrights,
prestigious personality of the Romanian culture. The edition of poems “Ce răane dintr-un intreg –lamentaŃi apostazice” published in 2007 has a philosophical content based on the theme of human
existence. Overwhelmed by the his age, the author considers with bitterness the reality of the human
glory who has always a dramatic end.
Cuvinte cheie:
dramaturg, personalitate de elită,poeme, cultură, deceptie