Cristian PAŞCALĂU,
Facultatea de Litere, Cluj-Napoca
This article studies, from a critical viewpoint, the semantic phenomenon of tautology, making use of high-frequency individual quote and empirical data. The aim of the analysis is to determine, in a qualitative way, how “efficient” for everyday discourse the tautologic structure is, taking into account the multiple uses of such patterns, as the basis for contextual functioning and as a device for articulating new meanings.
Key words: tautology, discourse attractor, fractal delineation strategy, definition pattern.
Cuvinte cheie: tautologie, atractor de discurs, strategia conturării fractale, model de definiţie.
“Investeşte în oameni!” doctorand bursier în “Proiect cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013”.