Provocǎrile predǎrii limbii engleze studenţilor medicinişti The Challenges of Teaching English to Medical Students Les défis de l’enseignement de l’anglais aux étudiants en médecine

Provocǎrile predǎrii limbii engleze studenţilor medicinişti

The Challenges of Teaching English to Medical Students

Les défis de l’enseignement de l’anglais aux étudiants en médecine


Abstract:Teaching of the English language to medical students is full of challenges which can be overcome through the involvement of the teachers, as well as the students, in the elaboration, respectively the solving of certain exercises and teaching materials which are always new and innovative. The medical lexicon has a unique dynamics, incorporating a scientific terminology and a series of terms and informal expressions, which must be assimilated by the future professionals in the medical field so that they will have an efficient communication anywhere they would go.

Key words: teaching English, medicine, medical students, medical English


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