SCRIITORI ROMÂNI DIN UNGARIA ( prezentare sintetică II)
– Continuare din numarul trecut al revistei –
Scoala Superioară de Educatori si Institutori
de Nationalitate Română „Tessedik Samuel”, Ungaria
tel. 0036/202/437779
Romanian writers from Hungary (synthetic presentation)
Further, we present to you, briefly, seven different Romanian writers from Hungary, of
different formation but united through their artistic expression in the Romanian language and
through their writings themes, namely: the childhood’s and the teenager’s universe, the
kindergarten’s and the school’s universe, the parents and the grand-parents figure, the native
village, poems about the esthetical sense’s cultivation, exception from this being Ioan Halasz, a
science-fiction author.
In the next number, our synthesis will include belles letters authors such as: Al. Hotopan,
Vasile Roxin, Ana Hotopan, Ana Radicsi Repinski, Petru Poputa, Lucian Magdu and others.
Cuvinte cheie:
creatori romani, universul copilăriei, prelucrare artistică.