Similarities and Differences between the Romanian and Serbian Proverbs. Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic and Anton Pann


Similarities and Differences between the Romanian and Serbian Proverbs. Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic and Anton Pann

Similitudini şi diferenţe dintre proverbele româneşti şi sârbeşti. Vuk Stefanović Karadžić şi Anton Pann

Virginia POPOVIĆ*

Universitatea din Novi Sad, Serbia

Facultatea de Filosofie, Departamentul de Românistică



Sayings and proverbs are the elements of spirit and wisdom of a people, represent the force of thought and metaphor, intelligence and spiritual wisdom, the power of observation, the truths of skills argumentation and to explore life, the power of language to express much in few words. From everything that exists in literary creation, a particular difficulty lies in translating sayings and proverbs from one language to another. From what has created in the whole literary work, a particular challenge is to translate the sayings and proverbs from one language to another. Romanian and Serbian reflects very well the virtues which are adapted to express sayings and proverbs, communicate more in a few words say more than what is said with words, if that partner has the satisfaction to decipher the intentions of the author. Both pickers’ sayings, Vuk Karadzic and Anton Pann have desire as their collections through this remember the sayings and proverbs Serbian and Romanian, and contributed to their entry into our everyday language, and gave the magnitude and expressiveness.

Key words: the contrastive paremiology, popular literature, Serbian proverbs, Romanian proverbs, language

Cuvinte cheie: paremiologie contrastivă, literatura populară, proverbe sârbeşti, proverbe româneşti, limbă


poporul are adesea dreptate în proverbele sale”


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