„Sinuciderea din Grădina Botanică” de Radu Petrescu sau Memorialul oniric al realităţii

„Sinuciderea din Grădina Botanică” de Radu Petrescu sau Memorialul oniric al realităţii

“The Suicide from the Botanical Garden” by Radu Petrescu or The Dreamlike Memorial of Reality


Universitatea „Ştefan cel Mare”, Suceava

Facultatea de Litere şi Ştiinţe ale Comunicării

Email: danpatrascu@yahoo.fr



In this approach we focus on “The Suicide from the Botanical  Garden” („Sinuciderea din Grădina Botanică”) which represents an original element for the complete works of Radu Petrescu. We have noticed an outstanding combination of reality and fiction, “a dreamlike memorial of reality” as the author calls it. Starting from this we have analysed the significances of this text, in which we have observed the writers’s possibility to escape from history into the vast space of fiction. Extending the metaphor of the title to Radu Petrescu`s diary, it can be observed that the writer withdraws himself in the text and becomes literature. It is a metaphorical suicide which meant the abandonment of reality, forced by circumstances, in favour of his literary works born on the background of a renunciation.

Key words: fiction, diary, literary works, reality, dreamlike

Cuvinte cheie: ficţiune, jurnal, operă, realitate, oniric