The poetry of the traditional calendar customs on MuresValley


The poetry of the traditional calendar customs on MuresValley

La poésie au coeur des coutumesannuelles dans la Vallée de la Muresâ


Poezia obiceiurilor calendaristice de pe Valea Mureşului

Lia Florica Faur

Western University “VasileGoldis”Arad



The direct or indirect contact with the field works of the year, the life and welfare of the individual or of the community is characteristic to the traditional calendar customs. In their repertoire, alongside customs directly related to the field works appear customs directly related to the life of the individual, of the family or of the community. The association between maternal fecundity and fruitfulness of the earth is the concept that unites the two aspects. These customs have a cyclical character, being repeated in similar forms at certain fixed dates of the year.


Les coutumes annuelles se caractérisent par leurs liens directs ou indirects avec le rythme des travaux au fil de l’année, avec la vie et la bonne humeur des individus ou de la communauté. Dans leur répertoire, à côté des coutumes liées directement aux travaux, apparaissent des traditions liées plus profondément à la vie personnelle, à la famille, à la collectivité. L’ association entre les productions de la terre et la fécondation maternelle est le concept unis sant ces deux aspects. Ces traditions présentent un caractère cyclique et se répètent sous des formes similaires à certaines dates fixes de l’ année.


Obiceiurilor calendaristice le este caracteristică legătura, direct sau indirect, cu muncile de peste an, cu viaţa şi cu bunăstarea individului sau a celorlalți. În repertoriul lor, alături de obiceiuri, care privesc direct muncile, apar obiceiuri legate mai direct de viaţa fiecăruia, a familiei sau a colectivităţii. Asocierea dintre rodirea pământului şi fecunditatea maternă este conceptul care uneşte cele două aspecte. Aceste obiceiuri au un caracter ciclic, fiind repetate în forme similare la anumite date fixe ale anului.

Keywords: custom, individual, carols, birth, wedding, death

Motsclés: coutumes, individu, chansons cantiques, naissance, noce, mort

Cuvinte-cheie: obiceiuri, individ, colinde, naştere, nuntă, moarte

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