Means of Expressivity in the Technical Text


Means of Expressivity in the Technical Text

Moyens d’expressivité dans letextetechnique

Mijloace de expresivitate în textul tehnic

Irina-Ana DROBOT

Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest

Department of Foreign Languages and Communication

124 Lacul Tei Blvd., sector 2, Bucureşti



The purpose of this paper is to look at means of expressivity in the technical text. I have identified the following: the use of tenses, adverbs, adjectives, quotation marks, modal verbs, inversions, questions, and figurative language. In order to identify these aspects, I used the book Strategic Planning for Water by Hugh Howes. These observations can help students of English for Specific Purposes understand how to work with the expressivity of the technical text.


Le but de cet article est d’analyser les moyens d’expressivité dans le texte technique. J’ai identifié les points suivants: l’utilisation des temps du verbe, des adverbes, des adjectifs, des guillemets, des verbes modaux, des inversions, des questions, et le langage figuré. Afin d’identifier ces aspects, j’ai utilisé le livre de la Planification stratégique de l’eau (Strategic Planning for Water) par Hugh Howes. Ces observations peuvent aider les étudiants de l’anglais à des fins spécifiques comprendre comment travailler avec l’expressivité du texte technique.


Scopul acestei lucrări este de a examina mijloacele de expresivitate în textul tehnic. Am identificat următoarele: folosirea timpurilor, adverbelor, adjectivelor, ghilimelelor, verbelor modale, inversiunilor, întrebărilor şi limbajului figurat. Pentru a identifica aceste aspecte, am folosit cartea Strategic Planning for Water de Hugh Howes. Aceste observaţii pot ajuta studenţii de limba engleză pentru scopuri specifice să înţeleagă cum să lucreze cu expresivitatea textului tehnic.

Keywords: tenses, adverbs, adjectives, modal verbs, inversions.

Mots-clés: temps, adverbes, adjectifs, verbes modaux, inversions.

Cuvinte cheie: timpuri, adverbe, adjective, verbe modale, inversiuni.

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