Periodicele româneşti de arhitectură de până la sfârşitul celui de-al doilea război mondial

Periodicele româneşti de arhitectură de până la sfârşitul celui de-al doilea război mondial
The Romanian architectural publications until the end of the Second World War
Gabriela TABACU
Universitatea de Arhitectură şi Urbanism “Ion Mincu” – Bucureşti
Partea I – First Part

From the point of view of the administrative organization and of the cultural and civilizing structure on the Romanian territorys, the XIX th century represented the crucial moment of passing from the Byzantine traditional model to the modern capitalist one. In this century, there are to be put into light the first issues in the domain of the serial journalism. While magazines of different professions came out only in the mid century the architectural periodicals appeared even later as in the epoch the domain itself was very vaguely structured. Even if until the First World War there were but few architectural and related fields periodicals, they brought an essential contribution to the identification, aglutination and promotion of the profession. They also played an undeniable part in the process of configuration the national identity of the Romanian culture.

Keywords: the Romanian architectural periodicals, the Romanian architectural press
Cuvinte cheie: periodicele româneşti de arhitectură, presa de arhitectură în România

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