Denis-Steliana BRĂDESCU
Şcoala de Studii Doctorale – an
Facultatea de Litere – Universitatea Bucureşti
Colegiul Naţional „Victor Babeş”- Şos. Fundeni, nr.253, Bucureşti
Literary criticism has mainly identified the existence of two distinct periods within Ioan Slavici’s literary work: a succesfull one starting with Priest Tanda (1875) – his debut from Literary Conversations – ending with Mara (1894), and another one, clearly marked by his ethical and didacticist obsessions beginning in 1895 and stretching until his death in 1925.
Is it possible to deal with a very sudden transformation from success to failure, from profesionalism to mannerism? We do not intend to make a factological reconstruction but what we are really trying to find, is an answer with an exclusively symptomatical character, explanatory for the critic who distinguishes between masterpieces on one side and pure raw paper on the other side, but regards opera within the whole grand schema like a living creature. When does then the esthetical derangement really begins and what does really trigger it?
Key words: periodization, transformation, ethical, moral
Cuvinte cheie: periodizare, schimbare, etic, moral