STUDII DE ȘTIINȚĂ ȘI CULTURĂ VOLUME X, ISSUE 3, SEPTEMBER 2014 VOLUME X, N° 3, SEPTEMBRE 2014 VOLUMUL X, NR. 3, SEPTEMBRIE 2014 Revistă editată de / revue éditée par / journal published by: UNIVERSITATEA DE VEST „VASILE GOLDIŞ” DIN ARAD, ROMÂNIA în parteneriat cu / en partenariat avec / in partnership with: LE DÉPARTEMENT […]
Category: Volumul X – Numarul 3 (38) 2014
Studii de Stiinta si Cultura – Volumul X 2014 – Numarul 3 (38)
Préface au numéro spécial du CAER
Préface au numéro spécial du CAER B. Charlet-Mesdjian (CAER, EA 854, LICOLAR), Ştefan Gencărău (CAER EA 854 LICOLAR) Université Aix-Marseille Il y a un peu plus d’un an, le Centre Aixois d’Études Romanes CAER profitait de la tribune offerte par la revue roumaine Studii de Ştiintă şi Cultură, avec laquelle il entretient un partenariat […]
CENTRE AIXOIS D’ÉTUDES ROMANES (CAER EA 854) CENTRE OF ROMANCE STUDIES, AIX-EN-PROVENCE (CAER EA 854) CENTRUL DE STUDII ROMANICE DIN AIX-EN-PROVENCE (CAER EA 854) Claudio MILANESI, Directeur Aix-Marseille Université Le CAER (Centre Aixois d’Etudes Romanes, EA 854), a son siège au troisième étage de la Maison de la Recherche du Campus Schuman de […]
Metamorphosis and its interplays in two texts of the Florentine Cinquecento : Machiavelli’s Golden Ass and Gelli’sCirce
Metamorphosis and its interplays in two texts of the Florentine Cinquecento : Machiavelli’s Golden Ass and Gelli’sCirce Jeux de la métamorphose dans deux textes du Cinquecento florentin : L’Âne d’or de Machiavel et La Circé de Gelli Jocuri ale metaforei în două texte de Cinquecento florentin : L’Âne d’or de Machiavel şi La Circé de Gelli […]
The Man and the City: Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), The City of the Sun, 1602
The Man and the City: Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), The City of the Sun, 1602 L’Homme et la Cité: Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639), La Cité du Soleil, 1602 Omul și Cetatea: Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639), Cetatea Soarelui, 1602 Théa PICQUET Aix–Marseille Université, CAER/TELEMME, E-mail: thea.picquet@univ– Abstract The City of the Sun is known as a dialogue between […]
Between literature and politics: The Venatio by Ercole Strozzi Neo-Latin poet (1474-1508) and his direction of animals, people and gods
Between literature and politics: The Venatio by Ercole Strozzi Neo-Latin poet (1474-1508) and his direction of animals, people and gods À la croisée de la littérature et du politique: La Venatio d’Ercole Strozzi, poète néo-latin (1474-1508) et sa mise en scène des animaux, des hommes et des dieux Între literatură şi politică: […]
Piety or impiety ? Jephtha’s dilemma between bestiality and divinity in George Buchanan’s Latin tragedy Iephthes siue Votum (1554)
Piety or impiety ? Jephtha’s dilemma between bestiality and divinity in George Buchanan’s Latin tragedy Iephthes siue Votum (1554) Piété ou impiété ? Le dilemme de Jephté entre bestialité et divinité dans la tragédie latine Iephthes siue Votum (1554) de George Buchanan Pietate sau impietate ? Dilema lui Jephté, între bestialitate şi divinitate, în tragedia latină […]
Lexicology and the Representation of the Divine and the Bestial in Romanian-French Dictionaries
Lexicology and the Representation of the Divine and the Bestial in Romanian-French Dictionaries Lexique et représentation de la divinité et de la bestialité dans des dictionnaires Roumain-Français Lexic şi reprezentare a divinităţii şi a bestialităţii în dicţionare româno-franceze Oana Aurelia GENCĂRĂU CAER EA 854 EA 854, Aix-Marseille Université / Université de Oradea, E-mail: […]
Tarnegòl bar: representations and symbolism in Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio De Chirico and Marc Chagall
Tarnegòl bar: representations and symbolism in Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio De Chirico and Marc Chagall Les représentations du tarnegòl bar et leur symbolique chez Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio De Chirico et Marc Chagall Tarnegòl bar: reprezentări şi simbolism la Giacomo Leopardi, Giorgio De Chirico and Marc Chagall Melinda PALOMBI CAER, ED 355, Aix Marseille Université, 29 […]
Desire of Similarity: Leopardi reading Xenophanes
Desire of Similarity: Leopardi reading Xenophanes Le désir du semblable : Leopardi lecteur de Xénophane Dorinţa de asemănare: Leopardi citindu-l pe Xenophan Andrea NATALI Centre Aixois d’Études Romanes, EA 85 E-mail: Abstract My article’s intention is to draw a path through the pages of Discourse of an Italian concerning romantic poetry questioning the text […]
The monstrous and painful body in Angélica Liddell’s drama
The monstrous and painful body in Angélica Liddell’s drama Le corps monstrueux et souffrant du théâtre d’Angélica Liddell Corpul monstruos şi suferind din teatrul Angelicăi Liddell Jeanne ROUSSELLE CAER EA 854, Aix-Marseille Université E-mail: Abstract In plays which deal with individual and collective pain, it is primarily the omnipresence of a trivial body […]
The Brute and the Civilized Man in Late 19th Century Italian Literature
The Brute and the Civilized Man in Late 19th Century Italian Literature La brute et l’homme civilisé dans la littérature italienne de la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. Animalul şi omul civilizat în literatura italiană din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea Michela TOPPANO (AMU-CAER) Axe “Pensée action et structures politiques” et “Pratiques […]
The Becoming-writing in La belva : the Dialoghi con Leucò by Cesare Pavese among bestiality, humanity and divinity
The Becoming-writing in La belva : the Dialoghi con Leucò by Cesare Pavese among bestiality, humanity and divinity Le devenir-écriture dans La belva : les Dialoghi con Leucò de Cesare Pavese entre bestialité, humanité et divinité Devenirea-scriitură în La belva : Dialoghi con Leucò de Cesare Pavese, între bestialitate, umanitate şi divinitate Daniela VITAGLIANO […]
Tommaso Landolfi and the divine bestiality of the woman
Tommaso Landolfi and the divine bestiality of the woman Tommaso Landolfi et la divine bestialité de la femme Tommaso Landolfi şi divina bestialitate a femeilor Judith OBERT Univ. Aix-Marseille AMU, CAER EA 854, E-mail: Abstract In his rich and overflowing literary production, Tommaso Landolfi gives the representation of animality a distinguished place: on […]
The beasts in the political speech. “Ubre Blanca” and the Cuban Revolution. A macroscience attempt for the caribbean island
The beasts in the political speech. “Ubre Blanca” and the Cuban Revolution. A macroscience attempt for the caribbean island Les bêtes dans le discours politique. «Pis blanche» et la Révolution Cubaine. Un essai de macro science pour l’île Animalele în discursul politic. Ugerul alb şi Revoluţia cubană Rubén TORRES MARTÍNEZ Aix-Marseille AMU, CAER EA-854, […]
The Body and androgyny in Nelson Garrido’s Santa Liberata
The Body and androgyny in Nelson Garrido’s Santa Liberata Corps et Androgynie dans la Santa Liberata de Nelson Garrido Corp şi androginie la Nelson Garrido : Santa Liberata Fabiola VELASCO GARIPOLI Aix Marseille Université. CAER EA 854, E-mail: Abstract The image of Santa Liberata brings together in its iconography the archetypes of the […]
An American in Rome. A portrait of USA in Italy: langage, identities, stereotypes and political strategies
An American in Rome. A portrait of USA in Italy: langage, identities, stereotypes and political strategies Un Américain à Rome L’image des Etats-Unis en Italie : langue, identités, stéréotypes et stratégies politiques Un American la Roma. Imaginea Statelor Unite în Italia: limbă, identitate, stereotipii şi strategii politice Antonella MAURI Université Lille3 Charles-de-Gaulle – UFR des […]
Romanian journalistic discourse in the second half of the 19th century – a contrastive semantic perspective
Romanian journalistic discourse in the second half of the 19th century – a contrastive semantic perspective Le discours journalistique roumain de la seconde moitié du XIX-ème siècle – une perspective sémantique contrastive Discursul publicistic românesc din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea – o perspectivă semantică contrastivă Mihaela Mocanu Departamentul de Cercetare Interdisciplinar […]
Authoritarianism and Democratism in Latin America: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Authoritarianism and Democratism in Latin America: Two Sides of the Same Coin Autoritarisme et démocratisme en Amérique Latine: les deux faces d’une même pièce Autoritarism şi democratism în America Latină: două feţe ale aceleiaşi monede Autoritarismo y democratismo en América Latina: dos caras de la misma moneda Alina ŢIŢEI Universitatea “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi, […]
Authorship, Representation and Gendered Discourses in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry
Authorship, Representation and Gendered Discourses in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry L’auteur, la représentationet le discours de genre dans le roman de Jeanette Winterson, “Le sexe descerises” Auctorialitate, reprezentare și discurs de gen ȋn romanul “Sexul cireșelor”, de Jeanette Winterson Authorship, Representation and Gendered Discourses in Jeanette Winterson’s Sexing the Cherry Ovidius University of […]
Literature and Reception: Anna Gavalda, a Publishing Phenomenon
Literature and Reception: Anna Gavalda, a Publishing Phenomenon Littérature et réception: Anna Gavalda, un phénomène d’édition Literatură şi receptare: Anna Gavalda, un fenomen editorial Diana Presadă Université Pétrole et Gaz de Ploieşti Département de Philologie Bd. Bucureşti nr. 39, Ploieşti, România E-mail : Abstract As a phenomenon of audience reception, Anna Gavalda’s literary work […]
The epic architecture of the Romanian action novel of the 1960s
The epic architecture of the Romanian action novel of the 1960s L’architecture épique du roman roumain d’action des années 1960 Arhitectura epică a romanului românesc de acţiune al anilor 1960 Speranţa Sofia Milancovici Universitatea de Vest „Vasile Goldiş” din Arad, România Bd. Revoluţiei nr. 94-96, Arad, Romania E-mail: Abstract The epic architecture of […]
The analysis of temporal relationships and functioning of temporal adverbs in a literary text
The analysis of temporal relationships and functioning of temporal adverbs in a literary text Etude des relations temporelles et du fonctionnement des adverbs de temps dans un texte littéraire Studiul relaţiilor temporale şi funcţionării adverbelor de timp într-un text literar. Eudochia Volontir-Sevciuc Université Paris IV, France E-mail : « Le récit n’est pas simplement une séquence […]
The poetry of the traditional calendar customs on MuresValley
The poetry of the traditional calendar customs on MuresValley La poésie au coeur des coutumesannuelles dans la Vallée de la Muresâ Poezia obiceiurilor calendaristice de pe Valea Mureşului Lia Florica Faur Western University “VasileGoldis”Arad E-mail: Abstract The direct or indirect contact with the field works of the year, the life and welfare […]
Narrative Perspective and Mediation: Theoretical Consideration and Reconsideration
Narrative Perspective and Mediation: Theoretical Consideration and Reconsideration La perspective narrative et mediation: Considérations et reconsidérations Perspectiva narativă şi medierea: considerări şi reconsiderări teoretice Elena ŢAU Departamentul Literatură Română şi Teorie Literară, Universitatea de Stat din Moldova Mihail Kogălniceanu 65 Abstract The problem of mediation is a capital one for the study of […]
Language of Slavery trade advertising in the Romanian Principalities
Language of Slavery trade advertising in the Romanian Principalities Le langage de la publicité pour le commerce avec des esclaves, dans les Principautés Roumains Limbajul publicităţii pentru comerţul cu robi, în Ţările Române Marian Petcu University of Bucharest Abstract It has been written and discussed about the Gypsies plenty of times after 1989, but […]
Bibliography, a Constitutive Part of a Scientific Paper
Bibliography, a Constitutive Part of a Scientific Paper Bibliographie, partie constitutive de la l’ouvrage scientifique Bibliografia, parte constitutivă a lucrării ştiinţifice Aurelia Magdalena PISOSCHI, Facultatea de Medicină Veterinară, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agronomice şi Medicină Veterinară, Bucureşti Claudia PISOSCHI Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea din Craiova Abstract After defining the terms “citation” […]
Plurilinguism in Romania
Plurilinguism in Romania Le plurilinguisme en Roumanie Plurilingvismul în România Mehrsprachigkeit in Rumänien Rodica Teodora Biriş Western University “Vasile Goldiş”, Arad Facultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Politice şi Administrative E-mail: Abstract Members of various national minorities in Romania speak their mother tongue at home, and some go to schools teaching in their […]
Cezar Corneliu Manda, Teoria administraţiei publice, C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013, 232 pages.
Cezar Corneliu Manda, Teoria administraţiei publice, C.H.BeckPublishing House, Bucharest, 2013, 232 pages.Cristina Elena NICOLESCU Faculty of PublicAdministration National School of Political Studies and Public AdministrationThe author, univ. lect. Cezar Corneliu Manda, PhD, teaching staff within the Faculty of Public Administration of the National School of Political Studies and Public Administration, PhD in legal sciences, raises […]