The Terminology of The Former Romanian Inheritance LawLa terminologie de l’ancien droit successoral roumainTerminologia vechiului drept succesoral românescAdriana SFERLEUniversité Paul Valéry Montpellier IIIE-mail: AbstractOur paper is a study of Romanian legal terminology, in particular with respect toinheritance law, before the Civil Code was adopted, in 1869. Through an analysis of documentsand legal texts dealing […]
Category: Volumul VIII – Numarul 4 (31) 2012
Studii de Stiinta si Cultura – Volumul VIII 2012 – Numarul 4 (31)
Specialized Translators: Traditional Documentary Resources and New Technologies in their Service
Specialized Translators: Traditional Documentary Resources and New Technologies in their ServiceLe traducteur spécialisé: ressources documentaires traditionnelles et nouvelles technologies à son serviceTraducătorul de specialitate: Resurse documentare tradiţionale şi noi tehnologii în slujba saMarie-Evelyne LE PODERUniversité de Grenade, Faculté de traduction et interprétation, AVANTI HUM-763E-mail: AbstractWhen a translator performs interlinguistic transfer s/he must depend on […]
About development of transcultural relevance
About development of transcultural relevanceDe la mise en valeur des significations transculturellesDespre valorificarea relevanţelor transculturaleVictoria BARAGAUniversitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă”, Chişinău,Facultatea de Filologie, Catedra de Istorie şi Teorie Literară,str. Ion Creangă, nr. 1E-mail: AbstractNowadays, it discusses more frequently and more acute the problem of spiritual crisis ofmodern people. A solution for removing our […]
The Communicational Relevance of Personal Deixis in Marin Sorescu’s Dramatic Discourse
The Communicational Relevance of Personal Deixis in Marin Sorescu’s Dramatic DiscourseLa valeur communicationnelle des déictiques personnels dans le discours dramatique de Marin SorescuRelevanţa comunicaţională a deicticelor personale în discursul dramatic sorescianCorina PĂCURARUniversitatea din OradeaE-mail: AbstractDeixis are evidently the linguistic instruments most suited for connecting language withcontext. Their strictly semantic contextualization does not suffice, as […]
Writers of the Sacrificed Generation
Writers of the Sacrificed GenerationLes écrivains de la génération sacrifiéeScriitorii generaţiei jertfite”Claudia MATEICercetător ştiinţific superior, Institutul de Filologie al Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei(bd. Ştefan cel Mare nr. 1,Chişinău; E-mail: AbstractThis study is dedicated to several less known aspects of the history of Romanian literature inBessarabia and to the destiny of the majority of […]
A Trip through the Archives. Presentation of a Selection of Unpublished Manuscripts of Benjamin Fundoianu/Fondane
A Trip through the Archives. Presentation of a Selection of Unpublished Manuscripts of Benjamin Fundoianu/FondanePériple à travers les archives. Présentation d’une sélection de manuscrits inédits de Benjamin Fundoianu/FondanePeriplu prin arhive. Prezentarea unei selecţii de manuscrise inedite ale lui Benjamin Fundoianu/FondaneSperanţa Sofia MILANCOVICIUniversitatea de Vest Vasile Goldiş din AradBd. Revoluţiei nr. 94-96, Arad, AbstractThe main […]
The Cultural Implications of Negotiation with Italian Enterprises: A Humanistic Education of Elites
The Cultural Implications of Negotiation with Italian Enterprises: A Humanistic Education of ElitesLes implications culturelles dans la négociation avec les entreprises italiennes: une formation humaniste des élitesImplicaţiile culturale în negocierea cu întreprinderile italiene: o formare umanistă a elitelorLouis BEGIONICAER EA 854, Aix-Marseille UniversitéE-mail : AbstractIn this paper, we propose a reflection on the fundamental […]
How Not to Lose Face in International Negotiation – Sociolinguistic and Linguistic Approach
How Not to Lose Face in International Negotiation – Sociolinguistic and Linguistic ApproachComment faire pour ne pas perdre la face dans la négociation internationale? Approches sociolinguistique et linguistiqueCum să nu pierdem în negocierea internaţională – abordare sociolingvistică şi lingvisticăGilbert MAGNUSSELOEN JE 2498 AbstractThe aim of this paper is to present the sociolinguistic and linguistic approaches […]
Cultural Differences in the Strategy of the Negotiation between France and Italy: the Approach of the Interlocutor
Cultural Differences in the Strategy of the Negotiation between France and Italy: the Approach of the InterlocutorDifférences culturelles dans la stratégie de la négociation entre France et Italie: l’approche de l’interlocuteurDiferenţe culturale în strategia negocierii între Franţa şi Italia: abordarea interlocutoruluiAntonella MAURIUniversité Charles de Gaulle Lille 3, CAER EA 854 AMUe-mail : AbstractIn the […]
Global Trade issues and Cultural Exception
Global Trade issues and Cultural ExceptionLes conséquences de l’exception culturelle sur les négociationscommerciales multilatéralesConsecinţele excepţiei culturale asupra negocierilor comercialemultilateraleVanessa MARSONUniversité de Versailles Saint-Quentin en YvelinesE-mail: AbstractCultural exception has always been a key element in the French political and cultural field. It isbased on the principle that culture is not like any other merchandise because […]
Intercultural Negotiation: The “Nomadic” Approach
Intercultural Negotiation: The “Nomadic” ApproachLa négociation interculturelle: l’approche ‘nomade’Negocierea interculturală: abordarea „nomadă”Sandra E. WALKER, Vincent MERK, Sidi Miloud BEL ASRIE-mail:,, AbstractGlobalization has a strong impact on international negotiation. Negotiators must manage situationswhere they may have to deal with several people coming from many different cultures. It is thusnecessary to manage diversity during […]
Linguistic and Cultural Bases of Intercultural Dialogue
Linguistic and Cultural Bases of Intercultural DialogueLes fondements linguistiques et culturels du dialogue interculturelFundamentele lingvistice şi culturale ale dialogului interculturalOlga IVANISHCHEVAUniversité de Mourmansk AbstractKnowledge of the Other’s language is not sufficient to establish a genuine communicativeinteraction. It is essential to identify the pragmatic side of language and know the cultureassociated with the language and the […]
Cinema as a Didactic Support in Foreign Language Classroom
Cinema as a Didactic Support in Foreign Language ClassroomIl cinema come supporto didattico in classe di lingua stranieraCinematografia ca suport didactic la orele de limbi străineFrancesco PEPECAER EA 854, AMU (Aix-Marseille Université)Email : AbstractThis article proposes a reflection on the pedagogical use of film in foreign languageclassroom, taking into account both the objectives of […]
Translating Linguistic Jokes for Dubbing
Translating Linguistic Jokes for DubbingLa traduction des blagues linguistiques pour doublages de filmsTraducerea glumelor lingvistice pentru dublajElena ALEKSANDROVAMoscow State Regional Institute of Humanities22, Zelyonaya St., Orekhovo-Zuyevo, 142611, Russiae-mail: AbstractThis study has attempted to establish the possible ways of translating linguistic jokes whendubbing. The study is also intended to identify the most problematic cases of […]
The Romanian Translation of G. Swift’s Last Orders: Trying to Keep Faithful to the Original
The Romanian Translation of G. Swift’s Last Orders: Trying to Keep Faithful to the OriginalLa traduction roumaine de Last Orders par G. Swift: En essayant de rester fidèle à l’originalTraducerea in limba română a romanului Last Orders de G. Swift: încercarea traducătorului de a rămâne fidel originaluluiIrina-Ana DROBOTTechnical University of Civil Engineering BucharestDepartment of Foreign […]
Mihail Gaşpar, Translator
Mihail Gaşpar, TranslatorMihail Gaşpar, TranslateurMihail Gaşpar, TraducătorDoina BOGDAN-DASCĂLUAcademia Română, Institutul de Studii Banatice„Titu Maiorescu”,Timişoara, Bd. Mihai Viteazu, 24E-mail: AbstractAlthough less known, Mihail Gaşpar’s work as a translator is important, because it showshis belonging, from this point of view, to a general tendency of the epoch. In that respect, he hadboth forerunners and models in […]
Didactic Games as an Aid in Learning German
Didactic Games as an Aid in Learning GermanLes jeux didactiques comme support pour l’apprentissage de la langue allemandeJocuri didactice ca ajutor în învăţarea limbii germaneDidaktische Spiele als Lernhilfe im DeutschunterrichtRodica Teodora BIRIŞUniversitatea de Vest “Vasile Goldiş”, AradFacultatea de Ştiinţe Umaniste, Politice şi AdministrativeE-mail: AbstractThe didactic game in German classes reduces the student’s fear and […]
Differences of Translation in the Field of Chromonyms in two Romanian Versions of the Bible: BB 1688 and Anania 2001. An Attempt of Typology
Differences of Translation in the Field of Chromonyms in two Romanian Versions of the Bible: BB 1688 and Anania 2001. An Attempt of Typology Divergences de traduction des chromonymes dans deux versions roumaines de la Bible: BB 1688 et Anania 2001. Essai de typologieDivergenţe de traducere a cromonimelor în două versiuni biblice româneşti: BB 1688 […]
Cultural Intricacies: Proverb-Based Wordplay and Irony in Translation
Cultural Intricacies: Proverb-Based Wordplay and Irony in TranslationComplexité culturelle: La traduction des jeux de mots et des ironies fondés sur des proverbesComplexitate culturală: Traducerea jocurilor de cuvinte şi a ironiilor bazate pe proverbeLigia BRĂDEANUUniv. “Al. I. Cuza” Iaşi, Facultatea de Litere, B-dul Carol I, nr. 11, 700506, Iaşi, AbstractWordplay and irony are among the most […]
Louis BEGIONI, Sophie SAFFI, Ştefan GENCĂRĂU, Marco CASTAGNA (coord), Sistemi linguistici – Sisteme lingvistice – Sistèmes linguistiques
Louis BEGIONI, Sophie SAFFI, Ştefan GENCĂRĂU, Marco CASTAGNA (coord), Sistemi linguistici – Sisteme lingvistice – Sistèmes linguistiques, Editura Cirrmi, Paris, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 278 p.Anca-Elena DANCIU Université Aix-Marseille AMU, France Revista Sisteme lingvistice, de o valoare însemnată pentru domeniul vast al studiului limbilor romanice, are ca obiectiv ilustrarea principalelor teme şi dezbateri care […]
Istoria jurnalismului din România în date, Enciclopedie cronologică
Istoria jurnalismului din România în date, Enciclopedie cronologică, Marian Petcu (coord.), Bucureşti, editura Polirom, 2012, 1414 p.Speranţa Sofia MILANCOVICIUniversitatea de Vest «Vasile Goldiş» din În perioada 28-30 martie 2008 era în derulare, la Castelul Macea din proximitatea Aradului, Primul Congres Naţional de Istoria Presei din România.Evenimentul Ştiinţific, organizat prin colaborarea între ARIP (Asociaţia Română […]